Entry for November 16, 2006

The International Ozone Assocaition and International UV Association are jointly sponsoring a World Congress in Los Angeles August 27-30, 2007.  The World Congress will include presentations (both oral and poster) and an exhibition of ozone and UV related technologies.

Currently, the IOA and IUVA are soliciting papers for the Congress.  Abstracts are due by January 31, 2007.  Topics for ozone and UV realted papers include:

Disinfection, Emerging Contaminants, Chemical and Biochemical Reactions, DBP Formation and Control, Ozone Generation and Contacting,  Waste Water Treatment, Small Systems,  Advanced Oxidation Technologies (AOT),  UV Source Technologies, UV Reactor Design/Modeling/Validation, UV Photochemistry and Photobiology, UV Measurements, Ozone and AOT Reactor Design, Food and Agricultural Applications, Air and Surface Treatment,  Commercial-Industrial Applications, Ozone Solubility Workshop, Aquaculture/Aquarium/Spa &Pool, Regulations and Synergistic Processes.

Abstracts can be sent to the either of the Co-Chairmen of the Conference:

Daniel Smith, Ph.D. (Co-Chair IOA)

Dept. Civil & Environmental Engineering

Edmonton, AB Canada

Phone: 780-492-4138, Fax: 780-492-0249

E-mail: dwsmith@ualberta.ca

IOA www.io3a.org


Mohamed Gamal El-Din Ph.D. (Co-Chair IUVA)

Dept. Civil & Environmental Engineering

Edmonton, AB Canada

Phone: 780-492-5124, Fax: 780-492-8198

E-mail: mgamalel-din@ualberta.ca

IUVA www.iuva.org

Papers from Scientists and Engineers based around the world that are working on ozone and UV related research will be making presentations and leading the sessions.

We encourage you to consider attending this event to learn about rapidly emerging technologies for environmental improvement.

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