Spartan Environmental Technologies supplies advanced oxidation processes for industrial water and wastewater treatment applications. We thought that our readers might find teh following conference work shop of interest in order to learn more about this area of water treatment.
Prof. Dion Dionysiou would like to inform you of a Sunday Workshop
(SUN5) on “Advanced Oxidation Technologies in Water Treatment:
Fundamentals and Applications” to be held at the 2007 AWWA Water Quality Technology Conference on November 4, Charlotte, North Carolina. The workshop is formulated by internationally known speakers who will cover a variety of AOTs and their applications on the elimination of several classes of organic contaminants in drinking water. for more information, please contact:
Dionysios (Dion) D. Dionysiou, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Environmental Engineering Drinking Water, Water Supply, Quality and Treatment and Nanotechnology Laboratories Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
765 Baldwin Hall
University of Cincinnati
Cincinnati, OH 45221-0071
Phone (513) 556-0724
Email: dionysios.d.dionysiou@uc.ed