In our postings up to this point we have focused on on oxidation technologies. Spartan also offer ultrasonic algae control products. Our partner in this area is Algae Control US. The following information on teh use of ultrasonics for biofilm control was provided by the Vice President for Engineering of Algae Control US, George Hutchinson. George writes:
“Ultrasonic units help to eliminate the biofilm growth that acts as a host and
attachment point for algae. The ultrasound will prevent most of the planktonic bacteria from becoming strongly attached sessile bacteria that forms the base layer of the biofilm. Bio-film typically start forming as quickly as 20 minutes to 3 hours. Bacteria are not killed by the LG Sonic device although they are being affected. The ultrasonic sound waves vibrate the bacteria and their pili retract as if they are in turbulent water. They do not excrete the polysaccharide glue they use to attach to a surface. The influence of the ultrasound actually slows down biofilm growth on surfaces. Thus, if you start with a very clean surface, the formation of biofilm is nearly inhibited. The LG Sonic has had very positive results on preventing
bio-film in the following applications: WWTP clarifiers, potable water basins and vnotch weirs, swimming pools, viewing glass windows and
aquarium tanks at a zoo.
Biofilm reduction is a large benefit to our clients for overall algae control.”
If algae is a problem in your ponds or water treatment facilites, ultrasonics might be a good option versus chemical oxidation and disinfection. Contact Spartan for further inforamtion.