Anthony Sacco of Spartan Environmental Technologies and Paul Overbeck of the International Ozone Association (IOA) will present a paper at the Ohio Water Works Associations meeting in Toledo, OH September 17-19 entitled: “Ozone Drinking Water Treatment: Applications and Operational Improvements”. The paper is part of the IOA effort to inform engineers and scientist about the […]
Month: July 2008
Entry for July 17, 2008
Spartan Environmental Technologies would like to remind you that the International Ozone Assocaition meeting will hold its 2008 meeting August 24 through 27. See for more details. Planning has already begun on the 2009 meeting. We are pleased to provide the following information for that conference: INTERNATIONAL OZONE ASSOCIATION INTERNATIONAL UV ASSOCIATION NORTH AMERICAN […]
Entry for July 7, 2008
In this posting, we will discuss different advanced oxidation processes and where they might be best applied. As we have explained in the past, all advanced oxidation processes (AOP), by definition, produce hydroxyl radicals. These are short lived molecules that are the strongest oxidants known. They can attack virtually any organic compound and given the […]