If you could afford any level of water treatment, which type of water treatment would you choose. Well apparently the super rich select ozone. Trinity Yachts, LLC, located in Gulfport, MS, has become one of the world’s elite US-based builders of custom super yachts. In the Spring of 2008, they launched Trinity Hull Number T036, Destination Foxharb’r Too.With an interior created by Patrick Knowles Design, this 161-foot super yacht with a 28-foot beam, is the culmination of a proud tradition of high-quality craftsmanship and design, state-of-the-art engineering and construction, and cutting-edge technology. Among the many amenities found on board is an ozone water treatment system that is both effective and environmentally friendly.
Ozone is increasingly finding applications in a variety of water treatment applications beyond super yachts. Spartan Environmental Technologies supplies ozone water treatment systems for commercial and industrial applications.