We often hear potential ozone users worry about the reliability of ozone generators for ozone water treatment applications. The reality is that well made ozone generators can last 10-20 years with good preventative maintenance programs. The fact that many systems don’t last this long is a result of either poor gas preparation or back flow of water into the generator.
In terms of gas preparation, the main issues are moisture, hydrocarbons and particulates. Moisture lowers efficiency and can cause corrosion due to the formation of nitric acid in the generator. A good system for drying the gas is critical. For larger systems, it is wise to invest in dew point monitors to measure the level of moisture in the gas. Particulates and hydrocarbons can deposit on the electrodes in the generator impacting efficiency. They can also lead to heating of the electrodes with potential damage to the dielectrics.
If water enters the ozone generator catastrophic damage will be done to the system. So, it is critical that water be prevented from entering the unit during operation or during periods when the unit is not active.
In coming posts we will cover each of these factors impacting reliability in detail.