McKinney, TX residents noticed a metallic or earthy taste and smell to their water. The change is the result of a winter algal bloom at Lake Lavon. This is less common than a mid-summer algal bloom, which arrives in late July and into August. During a bloom, lab analysis can show high levels of geosmin […]
Month: January 2010
Springfield Missouri Looks to Up Grade Ozone Generators
Springfield Public Works (Missouri) is looking at making large-scale upgrades at sewage treatment facilities this year. The utility is seeking to replace old ozone generators and a sewer line. They have rolled out a proposal that asks the city to secure up to $13 million in special obligation bonds. Missouri DNR rated the ozone generator […]
Federal Building in NYC to Harvest Rainwater with Ozone/UV Treatment
The Thursgood Marshall Federal Building in NYC will have a rain water harvesting system which will employ filtration, ozonation and UV to insure the water is safe for use in the building. While many rain water systems employ UV, the engineers for this building decided to add the extra protection of ozone. Ozone water treatment […]