Construction on the upgrade and expansion of the Miramar Water Treatment Plant is on schedule. The project will increase the drinking water treatment plant’s capacity from 140 to 215 million gallons per day. About 500,000 San Diegans get water from this plant.
Work is underway and should be complete by March 2010. This work is to install the ozone disinfection equipment. Ozone will be used to disinfect the drinking water. Before the water leaves the plant, chlorine will be added to provide a disinfectant “residual” so the water remains disinfected before it is used.
Starting approximately February 12, the construction team is testing and implementing the new ozone disinfection system safety alarms. These alarms ensure safe operation of the plant and alert employees to matters needing attention. Starting approximately February 17, crews will begin the start-up phase of the ozone disinfection equipment. This will continue through April.