A Fresno dentist is using a pain-free technique called Ozone Dentistry with specially treated air and water. The FDA approved machine, an ozone generator, used by the dentist creates ozone from medical grade oxygen. The device also ozonates water which can be used on patients as a kind of “super rinse”. The ozone gas is loaded into a type of syringe but the needle is used only to deliver the gas to a tooth, it does not enter gums or tissue.
According to the Dentist, Dr. Netzley, when the ozone is applied to a cavity it completely sterilizes the tooth and “turns on” the natural reaction in the mouth to start making the tooth healthy again. Dr. Netzley says ozone works best for surface cavities and minor dental problems that are caught early.
It is not clear how widespread the practice of ozone dentistry is or its true efficacy, but medical uses for ozone continue to expand. Ozone is a powerful disinfectant, so the claim of sterilization seems reasonable.