Danvers Water to Upgrade Ozone Disinfection

Danvers water officials say the water treatment plant, which sits on Middleton Pond in Middleton, must be upgraded to meet a set of new regulations that will take effect in 2015.The $20 million water treatment plant project, which they hope will start in of May 2011 and finish in June 2013, will include the addition of new treatment processes and the construction of new structures at the Lake Street plant.

Major project components include the construction of an ozone building with a new ozone disinfection system, additional sand and carbon filter systems, a residuals handling system, and upgrades to the existing plant, which provides drinking water to Danvers and most Middleton residents. A 95 percent design of the project was completed this past July.

The town of Danvers has secured a low interest loan for $6 million of the $20.65 million project and is in the process of requesting additional funding opportunities from the state. Middleton and Danvers water customers will pay the construction costs through an increase in their water rates.

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