Recent news regarding the algae related water quality problems in Toledo have raised issues about the potential for algae blooms and the release of toxic chemicals from the algae elsewhere in the US and especially in Northwest Ohio. Celina, another town in Ohio, uses Grand Lake as its water source, which has encountered problems with […]
Month: October 2014
North Texas Municipal Water District Begins Operating Nations Largest Ozone Drinking Water Facility
The North Texas Municipal Water District (NTMWD) began using ozone as the primary disinfectant at its Wylie Water Treatment Plants in 2014. As a result of the $123 million ozone project, a significant improvement in the taste and odor of the drinking water produced is expected. The NTMWD selected ozone in the treatment process because […]
Ozone Effective for Hydrogen Sulfide and Color Removal from Texas Well Water
The Four Way Special Utility District (SUD) operates multiple potable water plants, including Water Plant Number 3 in Eastern Angelina County, Texas. Plant Number 3 was having problems with Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) and color due to the presence of tannic acids in the source water. The current process, aeration/chlorination was not successfully treating the problem, […]
Vancouver adds UV to Complement Existing Ozone Disinfection for Drinking Water
The Coquitlam watershed treatment facility in British Columbia provides approximately 370 MLD, a third of the total water supply delivered in Metro Vancouver. The facility uses the process of ozonation as the primary disinfectant, but has added new UV disinfection equipment to complement the existing ozone and chlorination processes. Construction of the new facility started […]