The Four Way Special Utility District (SUD) operates multiple potable water plants, including Water Plant Number 3 in Eastern Angelina County, Texas. Plant Number 3 was having problems with Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) and color due to the presence of tannic acids in the source water. The current process, aeration/chlorination was not successfully treating the problem, so SUD asked their consulting engineer for options. They suggested ozone could resolve all of the problems.
Testing showed that an ozone system would reduce color, taste and odor concerns while avoiding the formation of regulated disinfection by-products. The process design presentation was supported by laboratory testing which confirmed no excessive disinfection by-product formation. In addition to color, taste and odor control that ozone treatment provides, the treatment process enhancement allowed for reduced chlorine dosage and discontinuation of the air stripping process. The ozone system was adopted and is now in operation at Plant Number 3.