The North Texas Municipal Water District (NTMWD) began using ozone as the primary disinfectant at its Wylie Water Treatment Plants in 2014. As a result of the $123 million ozone project, a significant improvement in the taste and odor of the drinking water produced is expected. The NTMWD selected ozone in the treatment process because of changes in US Environmental Protection Agency’s Safe Drinking Water Act.
Now operating the nation’s largest water treatment facility using ozone, the NTMWD implemented extensive planning efforts, modifications, construction and project management at the four Wylie Water Treatment Plants. In addition to the Wylie location, the Bonham and Tawakoni Water Treatment Plants also produce ozonated water. Cumulatively, NTMWD has the capability to treat and deliver 806 million gallons per day of high- quality, safe drinking water to the region served.
Ozone is a good choice for municipal drinking water treatment because it offers multiple benefits to the plant operators. In the case of NTMWD, it allowed them to meet more stringent US EPA regulations for disinfecting drinking water while also improving the waters taste and odor profile. Using another primary disinfectant would have required a second process or chemical to deal with the taste and odor.