International Ozone and UV Conference in Paris May 23-27

The 20th World Congress and Exhibition of the International Ozone and International UV Associations is to be held May 23-27 in Paris, France. The technical program has been prepared and will include presentation on Advanced Oxidation, Ozone and UV reactor Design, Industrial Applications of Ozone and UV, Ozone in Agrifood, Ozone and UV Reaction Modeling, […]

New Book on Ozone Chemistry in Water and Wastewater Treatment Published

IWA has published a new book International Ozone Association members Clemens von Sonntag and Urs von Gunten. The book will discuss the details of ozone reactions as they relate to micropollutant ( pharmaceuticals, pesticides, fuel additives, solvents, taste and odor compounds, and cyanotoxins) degradation. The book will be useful for those doing research or planning […]

West Basin to use Ozone Pretreatment for Water Reclamation

West Basin’s Edward C. Little Water Recycling Facility in El Segundo, CA will be undergoing its fourth expansion since its original construction in 1995. The facility which currently produces 30 million gallons per day (MGD) is being expanded by an additional 16 MGD. Under the expansion, water purification facilities will be expanded to produce an […]

Milwaukee Water Safe With the Help of Ozone Water Treatment

Cryptosporidium has not been detected in Milwaukee’s drinking water coming out of the Linnwood treatment plant on the Lake Michigan shore since 2002 or the Howard Ave. plant on the south side since 1999. Cryptosporidium and Milwaukee made national news 18 years ago this month when the parasite caused the largest epidemic of documented waterborne […]

Nevada Water Plant Earns Award with Ozone Disinfection

Eric Johnson, Operations Supervisor for the Kingsbury General Improvement District, won the Nevada Rural Water Association’s Operator of the Year award. This award is given to one operator in Nevada each year, honoring the dedication and expertise of water operators throughout the state of Nevada. Kingsbury G.I.D. is the water supplier for the residents of […]

Yorba Linda to Switch to Ozone Water Treatment as the Primary Disinfectant of Drinking Water

The Diemer Water Treatment Plant in Yorba Linda shut down for a week to prepare for new equipment. The shutdown will allow crews to upgrade the plant so that it can use ozone as the water’s primary disinfectant, rather than chlorine compounds. Substituting ozone for chlorine compounds as the primary disinfectant reduces the potential for […]

Anaheim to Demonstrate Ozone Wastewater Reclamation

The city of Anaheim, California has awarded a municipal water reuse system contract for a demonstration facility that will supply reclaimed water for toilet flushing, irrigation, and recreational use. The project is the first ozone-based technology to be accepted by the California Department of Public Health. Ozone is widely used in a variety of water […]

New Study Suggests UV and Ozone Will Be Fastest Growing Water Disinfectants

According to a recent study by the Freedonia Group, worldwide demand for water disinfection products is projected to grow more than 7% annually through 2014. UV and ozone are expected to grow the fastest. Regulations developed in the US and elsewhere to reduce the threats posed by disinfection byproducts have created opportunities for newer technologies […]

Wylie Texas Building New Ozone Water Treatment Facility

McCarthy Building Companies has started work on a project for North Texas Municipal Water District, constructing new ozone facilities for the existing water treatment plant in Wylie, Texas. The $112-million project will include the installation of ozone generation equipment and construction of two buildings to house this equipment. McCarthy will also install liquid oxygen storage […]