Swedish City Uses Ozone to Fight Parasite in Drinking Water

Ozone is among the measures deployed by Östersund municipality in northern Sweden to try kill off the parasite (Cryptosporidium) which has afflicted the stomachs of thousands of residents and rendered the water undrinkable. More than 5,000 residents have taken ill after ingesting water from the city’s water supply, many suffering from diarrhea, vomiting, and severe […]

United Water Upgrades Plant with DAF and Ozone Water Treatment

The Design-Build Institute of America (DBIA) recognized United Water New Jersey’s Haworth Water Treatment Plant Upgrade with a National Design-Build Excellence Award in the water/wastewater over $25 million category. United Water constructed a $100 million upgrade to the company’s 200-million-gallon-per-day (mgd) facility, which serves 800,000 people in northern New Jersey. The project included innovative high-rate […]

Montreal Study Indicates Antidepressants In Water Affecting Fish Suggest Ozone Treatment

A controlled study involving brook trout exposed to varying amounts of effluent Montreal water over a three-month period at the University of Montreal showed that fish exposed to antidepressants in the water showed a reduction in brain activity. Significant quantities of antidepressants are finding their way into the water around Montreal and affecting the fishes’ […]

Sanata Barbara to Add Ozone Water Treatment

The City of Santa Barbara is getting a $29 million loan to install an ozone water treatment system at the Cater Water Treatment Plant to comply with federal drinking water standards. Because the cities of Montecito and Carpinteria water customers will also benefit from this process, their water agencies will be responsible for approximately 40 […]

Louisville Looking to Add Ozone Water Treatment

Riverbank Filtration is an advanced treatment for drinking water. Currently, Louisville Water is renovating its Crescent Hill Filtration Plant to exceed new drinking water regulations that take effect in 2012. As the science of drinking water advances, Louisville Water will look to add ozone as an advanced water treatment technology at its Crescent Hill Plant […]

City of Moorhead Treats Water with Ozone

The city of Moorhead uses ozone as the primary disinfectant and treatment agent for its municipal water supply. The plant opened in 1994, and the ozone process kicked in the following year. Plant workers add ozone to the water after it has undergone softening to extract minerals. The water is then filtered before being piped […]

Bossier City Adds Ozone for Disinfection and Taste and Odor Control

Bossier City is involved in a $72 million project to double the capacity of their water treatment plant. In addition to construction of a new facility, the project will include a rehabilitation of the existing water treatment plant, which is expected to be completed in 2013. The expansion of the water plant will increase capacity […]

Melbourne Wastewater Plant to Use Ozone

A long-planned upgrade at Melbourne Water’s Eastern Treatment Plant includes an ozone system with installation beginning in November 2010. with peak flows of around 185 MGD of treated water production, the upgrade to advanced tertiary treatment at Melbourne Water’s Eastern Treatment Plant will make it among the largest of its kind in the world. After […]

New Park Designed to Treat Storm Water with Ozone

Malibu’s new 15-acre central park opening Saturday is more than a green space it is also capable of treating about two million gallons of storm water runoff every day. Under the park is a system of pipes and filters that will remove trash, bacteria and metals from runoff water that has long contaminated Malibu Creek, […]