Aesthetic dentists gather in Paris at the sixth annual European Society of Cosmetic Dentistry (ESCD) meeting October 15, 2009. Professor Edward Lynch spoke to conference on the use of ozone and ozonated water. Prof. Lynch told the audience that the powerful disinfectant properties of ozone are useful for a range of dental procedures and ozonated […]
Bromate in Drinking Water may not be as Serious as Previously Thought
Currently, allowable levels of bromate in drinking water are 10 micrograms per liter. The US EPA and WHO are considering lowering this limit. Under certain conditions, bromate may be formed when drinking water with bromide ion content is ozonated. Technologies exist to prevent or mitigate this formation, but question have been raised as to whether […]
Santa Fe Region to Use Ozone for Water Treatment
The Buckman diversion project, a $216 MM to take water from the Rio Grande for the Santa Fe region, is about one year old. It was designed and is being built by CH2M Hill, a global leader in full-service engineering, consulting, construction, and operations. The project, expected to be completed in early 2011, uses a […]
Key Biscayne Uses Ozone to Control Sewage Lift Station Odors
Sewage lift station can produce hydrogen sulfide odors if the sewage sits in the lift station for too long. These odors are extremely unpleasant and a source of complaints and occasional law suits from people living nearby the facilities. Key Biscayne is one such city that has experienced this type of problem, but it is […]
Fort Worth to Add Ozone Pretreatment at Westside WTP
North Central Texas is a center for ozone drinking water treatment applications because the local reservoirs have taste and odor issues during the summer months. Ozone not only effectively treats these problems but also provides disinfection credits for a wide variety of pathogens. Fort Worth has recently begun construction of a 12 MGD facility at […]
Martin’s Farry Eyeing Ozone Equipment
The city council of Martins Ferry, Ohio passed an ordinance authorizing the Director of Service/Safety, John Davies, to advertise for bids and enter into a contract for demolition and installation of the ozone generators and dryers and all related equipment and supplies. As can be seen from other posts on this site, the use of […]
Ozone a Solution for Taste and Odor Problems in Drinking Water
An algae bloom in the Cape Fear River caused the 22,500 Brunswick County, NC residents to have serious taste and odor problems with their water. The taste and odor problem may be a result of treating water at the Northwest Treatment Plant with chlorine dioxide. The chlorine dioxide and dying algae may create a chemical […]
Winnipeg to Add Ozonation for Drinking Water Treatment
Winnipeg is adding a state-of-the-art plant that will employ four new drinking water treatment processes once it’s on-line next year. Odor-causing algae will be clumped together by coagulants, forced to the surface with tiny air bubbles (DAF) and then skimmed off into settling ponds. Ozone will break down organic molecules into smaller, more easily destroyed […]
Catalytic Oxidation of Agricultural Odors Using Ozone
Industrial odor control is an emerging application for ozone. We recently came across a news item describing work done at NC State and the U of Georgia regarding the use of ozone and catalysts for the destruction of odor causing VOC in the poultry industry. Dr. Praveen Kolar, of NC State, is the lead investigator. […]
Water Treatment Equipment Grows in Food and Beverage Industry
The food processing industry includes: fruit and vegetables, dairy products, meat and fish, grain mill and bakery products, sugar and confectionery products, fats and oils, and frozen, packaged, and convenience foods. The industry is a large user water. As a result, opportunities for water and wastewater treatment are numerous. The most common water impurities in […]