If you could afford any level of water treatment, which type of water treatment would you choose. Well apparently the super rich select ozone. Trinity Yachts, LLC, located in Gulfport, MS, has become one of the world’s elite US-based builders of custom super yachts. In the Spring of 2008, they launched Trinity Hull Number T036, […]
Entry for January 6, 2009
Although Spartan Environmental Technologies does not sell ozone generators for residential use, we are occasionally contact by individuals interested in buying ozone generators for odor control in the home. We were prompted to discuss this subject again by a recent new release from a market research firm publishing a study on air fresheners. The […]
Entry for December 29, 2008
Spartan Environmental Technologies occassionally notes the work of other companies in the ozone water treatment field. Recently, Seair reported some work in this field. The Seair activities corresponds to work by other companies, including Spartan on oil field water treatment. Produced water is the water used in the extraction of oil from the ground. In […]
Entry for December 19, 2008
An important application for ozone is pulp bleaching. Chlorine is a major pulp bleaching agent, but its application is declining as other bleaching agents take its place such as chlorine dioxide and ozone. Even in developing countries, efforts are being made to move toward alternatives such as ozone. The Indian company lTC recently launched an […]
Entry for December 18, 2008
Ozone has many different applications. In this post we will discuss the use of ozone in commercial laundries. Two important advantages of ozone in a commercial laundry are effectively cleaning in cold water while also providing powerful disinfecting capability. The Beverly Hills 5 Star Hotel, L’Ermitage, has recently signed an agreement to install a Eco-Safe […]
Entry for December 17, 2008
The market research firm Global Water Intelligence has announced the publication of Water Market USA, a study of the US water treatment market. The study indicates that long-term growth in spending for water and wastewater infrastructure in the United States is “guaranteed,” although spending during 2009 will be reduced. The largest area of long-term US […]
Entry for December 16, 2008
Air Products recently announced that HiPOx technology, an ozone-based advanced oxidation process (AOP) water treatment technology, has been granted conditional acceptance by the California Department of Public Health for unrestricted water reuse under Title 22 of the California Code of Regulations. HiPOx injects and mixes ozone with hydrogen peroxide to maximize the production of hydroxyl […]
Entry for December 15, 2008
Air Products and ITT WEDECO have recently disclosed a process for recovery unused oxygen from ozone generator gas. This is important since oxygen is a major cost factor for producing ozone and the conversion efficiency from oxygen to ozone is only 6-15%. Therefore, in most oxygen fed ozone systems, the vast majority of oxygen is […]
Entry for November 25, 2008
One of the advantages to using ozone and other advanced oxidation processes for water treatment applications is that this treatment method minimizes the formation of harmful byproducts in the treated water. The use of chlorine, for example, can lead to the formation of chlorinated organic byproducts that can be harmful themselves. Oxygen based oxidizers, such […]
Entry for November 21, 2008
The technical conference “Disinfection 2009” will be held at the end of February in Atlanta and is sponsored by WEF, AWWA, IWA, IUVA and the Georgia Association of Water Professionals. This conference has provided a forum for those professionals concerned with disinfection needs and technologies since 1993. The conference will be focused on all aspects […]