Entry for October 25, 2007

We indicated in our last note that we would start a series of postings on applications for ozone in water treatment.  The first application we are going to consider is iron and manganese removal.  Iron and manganese are primarily a nuisance in water treatment since water contaminated by these species can stain water fixtures, and […]

Entry for October 23, 2007

In the last set of postings to this blog, we have discussed how ozone is made and used in water treatment. We will now start a series of postings on applications of ozone in water treatment. We begin here with a brief overview of overview of ozone water treatment applications. In Europe, ozone has been […]

Entry for October 20, 2007

Spartan Environmental Technologies is an active member of the International Ozone Association.? We pass onto our readers the following call for papers: 2008 Annual Conference Orlando, Florida International Ozone Association – Pan American Group 24-27 August 2008 CALL FOR PAPERS The International Ozone Association – Pan American Group requests “Abstracts” for both Oral and Poster […]

Entry for October 18, 2007

In our post of October 16th, we discussed factors affecting the driving force to move ozone from the gas phase, where it is created, into the liquid phase, where it is needed for water treatment applications.  These included factors such as gas concentration, bubble size and the Gas volume/Liquid volume ratio.  In this posting, we […]

Entry for October 16, 2007

Spartan Environmental Technologies supplies advanced oxidation processes for industrial water and wastewater treatment applications. We thought that our readers might find teh following conference work shop of interest in order to learn more about this area of water treatment. Prof. Dion Dionysiou would like to inform you of a Sunday Workshop (SUN5) on “Advanced Oxidation […]

Entry for October 16, 2007

In the last few postings we discussed in general the subsystems of a ozone water treatment system. In this posting, we will focus in a little more detail about the factors that influence the dissolution of ozone gas into water. There are a number of factors that create a driving force for ozone to enter […]

Entry for October 11, 2007

We have recently been posting a discussion on the major components for a ozone water treatment system.  In this posting we will discuss some considerations for instrumentation for such a system.  You can also find additional detail on this type of instrumentation at www.spartanwatertreatment.com/ozone-water-treatment-system-instrumentation.html. As we noted in our posting regarding gas preparation systems, the […]

Entry for October 9, 2007

In recent postings we have discussed the components of an ozone water treatment system including gas preparation and the ozone generator.  We will now discuss mixing of the ozone with the water. As noted in the previous posting, ozone is prepared in air or oxygen at a concentration of 2-10% by weight.  Ozone is solubility […]

Entry for October 7, 2007

In recent blogs we have been discussing the components of an ozone water treatment system.  In the last posting we talked about the systems that feed gas to the ozone generator.  We emphasized the importance of delivering clean, dry gas to the ozone generator as being the most important consideration in the design and reliable […]

Entry for October 6, 2007

In the previous posting we discussed the basic components of an ozone water treatment system.  In this posting we will focus on gas preparation.  You can find more detailed information on feed gas systems on our website: https://www.spartanwatertreatment.com/ozone-generator-feed-gas-systems.html To recap, employing the corona discharge process, you need oxygen (O2) to make ozone (O3).  You can […]