As we answer inquiries regarding ozone generators and advanced oxidation processes, we find that many people new to these technologies are interested in learning what equipment goes into an ozone water treatment system. We have developed a number of web pages on our site that address this issue (, but we thought that a few […]
Entry for October 4, 2007
In yesterday’s posting on this blog we talked briefly about the way ozone reacts with organic compounds in water. This involved the two reaction pathways, either the slower selective molecular ozone pathway or the faster, non selective hydroxyl radical pathway. We recently have been contacted by an engineering firm interested in destroying carbon tetrachloride using […]
Entry for October 3, 2007
In our last post we talked about BOD reduction using ozone and advanced oxidation processes (AOP). We noted that that ozone reacts differently under different conditions. In this posting, we will discuss these differences in a little more detail. You can also read more about ozone reactions at In general ozone can react along […]
Entry for October 1, 2007
We have decided to relaunch our blog with an emphasis on the types of questions we receive from customers. We have observed that companies and government entities that contact us have heard that ozone or advanced oxidation might be an option for treating their air or water challenges, but don’t have a good feel for […]
Entry for November 16, 2006
The International Ozone Assocaition and International UV Association are jointly sponsoring a World Congress in Los Angeles August 27-30, 2007. The World Congress will include presentations (both oral and poster) and an exhibition of ozone and UV related technologies. Currently, the IOA and IUVA are soliciting papers for the Congress. Abstracts are due by January […]
Entry for November 12, 2006
Ozone Generator Standard NSF/ANSI 222 NSF International (NSF), the Water Quality Association and the International Ozone Association (IOA) developed the subject standard to provide a method to evaluate ozone generator production performance and establish minimum requirements for the ozone generator materials, design and contruction. The standard applies to smaller ozone generators with production of 500 g/hr […]
Entry for October 10, 2006
The use of alternative oxidants and disinfectants has been adopted by many large municipal drinking water systems. These include Detroit, Los Angeles, Boston, Orlando, Dallas, Fort Worth, New York, Las Vegas among others. Smaller municipal systems have been slower to adopt these technologies due to the perceptions of cost and complexity. The reality is that […]
Entry for September 30, 2006
Spartan Environemtnal Technologies is a supplier of chemical oxidation and disinfection systems for air and water treatment applications for industrial and governmental customers. We hope to communicate useful information about our industry to our customers, representatives and other visitors to our website. In this first entry in the blog, we would like to discuss the […]