The City of Tyler has released the results of an independent review of its water treatment process conducted by Enprotec/Hibbs & Todd, Inc. The study looked at the causes and possible remedies for high levels of haloacetic acids in the water. Haloacetic acids are a disinfection byproducts (DBP) which are regulated by the US EPA. […]
Tag: disinfection byproducts
Laughlin, NV Treats Drinking Water with Ozone to Reduce Disinfection By products and Control Taste and Odor Issues
Big Bend Water District (BBWD) is the supplier of potable water to the community of Laughlin, the sole source of which is the Colorado River. “The BBWD has over 15,000 acre feet per year as an allotment, but historically Laughlin rarely uses more than 5,000 acre feet of that allotment. BBWD can treat a maximum […]
Sand Hills Opens New Ozone Drinking Water Treatment Plant
New Jersey American Water has built a new water treatment plant in Short Hills, NJ to meet the standards of the Safe Drinking Water Act including the control of disinfection by-products. The new plant was built alongside two older plants, one that was built in 1929 and the second built in 1958. The 1958 plant […]
International Ozone Association Meeting in Toronto September 18-21
International Ozone Association meeting will be held in Toronto September 18-21. This meeting offers an informative technical program covering ozone and UV application with regard to the following subjects: disinfection and disinfection byproducts, UV validation and monitoring, advanced oxidation processes, ozone in drinking water, ozone in wastewater, and applications of ozone in food processing. Tours […]
Mississauga, Ontario Replaces Chlorine with Ozone, UF and UV
A three-year $106-million project that will replace the chlorine-treatment process with a new advanced 100 MGD plant is underway at the Lakeview Water Treatment plant in Mississauga, Ontario. The process will use a combination of ozonation, ultrafiltration (UF) and ultraviolet (UV) technology. Kenaidan Contracting is the general contractor and CH2M Hill is the consultant on […]
Yorba Linda to Switch to Ozone Water Treatment as the Primary Disinfectant of Drinking Water
The Diemer Water Treatment Plant in Yorba Linda shut down for a week to prepare for new equipment. The shutdown will allow crews to upgrade the plant so that it can use ozone as the water’s primary disinfectant, rather than chlorine compounds. Substituting ozone for chlorine compounds as the primary disinfectant reduces the potential for […]
New Study Suggests UV and Ozone Will Be Fastest Growing Water Disinfectants
According to a recent study by the Freedonia Group, worldwide demand for water disinfection products is projected to grow more than 7% annually through 2014. UV and ozone are expected to grow the fastest. Regulations developed in the US and elsewhere to reduce the threats posed by disinfection byproducts have created opportunities for newer technologies […]
Wylie Texas Building New Ozone Water Treatment Facility
McCarthy Building Companies has started work on a project for North Texas Municipal Water District, constructing new ozone facilities for the existing water treatment plant in Wylie, Texas. The $112-million project will include the installation of ozone generation equipment and construction of two buildings to house this equipment. McCarthy will also install liquid oxygen storage […]