Milwaukee High Quality Water Starts with Ozone

The Milwaukee Water Works is a national leader in providing safe, high-quality drinking water. The finished water is distributed to an estimated 830,000 residents of Milwaukee and 15 other communities in the metropolitan area meets or exceeds all federal and state drinking water standards. Each year, the Water Works annually tests Lake Michigan water and […]

Valdosta Water Plant with Ozone Primary Disinfection wins State Award

The City of Valdosta Water Treatment Plant has been recognized as the 2013 Water Treatment Plant of the Year by the Georgia Association of Water Professionals (GAWP). The plant was recently evaluated by GAWP inspectors on its well field operations, chemical processes and documentation, and scored 90% or better in all areas. The water treatment […]

Sequester to Affect Water Funding According to the EPA

The Safe Drinking Water Act and the Clean Water Act include revolving loan funds to help states finance drinking water purification and sewage treatment facilities—both of which are essential to the country’s public-health infrastructure. The Environmental Protection Agency reports that: Reductions under sequestration would impact states’ ability to meet drinking water public health standards and […]

Emmons County ND Uses Ozone Pretreatment for a UF/RO Drinking Water Treatment Plant

The South Central Regional Water District utility knew that water from these wells contained high levels of dissolved solids, hardness, and sulfates, as well as arsenic content beyond the safety standards established by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). A treatment solution was developed ozone pretreatment, ultrafltration (UF) and reverse osmosis (RO) to treat nearby Missouri […]

Muttenz Switzerland to Treat Groundwater with Advanced Oxidation

The groundwater in Muttenz, Switzerland will be purified using a combination of advanced oxidation, adsorption and ultrafiltration. The water is subject to organic trace substances and occasionally impacted by Rhine filtrate. Difficult to treat compounds will be oxidized using ozone and hydrogen peroxide. The ozone and peroxide react to form hydroxyl radicals that are fast […]

Ann Arbor Michigan Uses Ozone for Primary Disinfection

Ann Arbor’s Drinking Water Treatment Plant’s primary source of water comes from the Huron River. Ann Arbor is one of only seven facilities using an inland river as a drinking water source in Michigan. About 85 percent of the water comes from the river, while 15 percent comes from wells located at the city’s airport. […]

Korean Drinking Water Plant Purchases First Advanced Oxidation Treatment Process

A municipal drinking water system in a new high-tech industrial zone in South Korea has contracted for an ultraviolet (UV) advanced oxidation process (AOP) treatment technology. This is the firts time such a technology will be applied in Korea for drinking water. The water treatment facility will treat more than 26 million gallons per day, […]