The Nevada State Board for Financing Water Projects voted Wednesday to loan the Incline Village General Improvement District $3 million for its water treatment project. Improvements include a much more efficient ozone treatment system at the Burnt Cedar Water Disinfection Plant. The new ozone system will cut the amount of oxygen used by as much […]
Tag: ozone disinfection
EPA Ballast Water Treatment Verification
Ozone News recently reported about the EPA ETV (Environmental Technology Verification) program for ballast water. the program does not approve or endorse technologies, but simply provides objective data on various technologies so stakeholders can evaluate the technologies themselves. As noted in previous posts, there are concerns that ballast water may allow invasive species to move […]
International Ozone Association Meeting in Toronto September 18-21
International Ozone Association meeting will be held in Toronto September 18-21. This meeting offers an informative technical program covering ozone and UV application with regard to the following subjects: disinfection and disinfection byproducts, UV validation and monitoring, advanced oxidation processes, ozone in drinking water, ozone in wastewater, and applications of ozone in food processing. Tours […]
Mississauga, Ontario Replaces Chlorine with Ozone, UF and UV
A three-year $106-million project that will replace the chlorine-treatment process with a new advanced 100 MGD plant is underway at the Lakeview Water Treatment plant in Mississauga, Ontario. The process will use a combination of ozonation, ultrafiltration (UF) and ultraviolet (UV) technology. Kenaidan Contracting is the general contractor and CH2M Hill is the consultant on […]
Ozone Helps Waco Reduce Taste and Odor Problems
City and community leaders in Waco had a chance to tour the site of the new drinking water treatment facility. The plant began its water pretreatment process last summer, but officials said they only recently starting running the ozone disinfection process. Ozone is a well proven option for reducing taste and odor problems in drinking […]
Milwaukee Water Safe With the Help of Ozone Water Treatment
Cryptosporidium has not been detected in Milwaukee’s drinking water coming out of the Linnwood treatment plant on the Lake Michigan shore since 2002 or the Howard Ave. plant on the south side since 1999. Cryptosporidium and Milwaukee made national news 18 years ago this month when the parasite caused the largest epidemic of documented waterborne […]
Nevada Water Plant Earns Award with Ozone Disinfection
Eric Johnson, Operations Supervisor for the Kingsbury General Improvement District, won the Nevada Rural Water Association’s Operator of the Year award. This award is given to one operator in Nevada each year, honoring the dedication and expertise of water operators throughout the state of Nevada. Kingsbury G.I.D. is the water supplier for the residents of […]
Ozone to Prevent Brown Water for New Jersey Residents
High level of algae in the Canoe Brook Reservoir on John F. Kennedy Parkway created brown water for residents of the area. Last summer the algae was more prevalent due to many days of sunshine that encouraged algae growth. This made the problem more difficult for the water treatment facility. New Jersey American Water has […]
City of Moorhead Treats Water with Ozone
The city of Moorhead uses ozone as the primary disinfectant and treatment agent for its municipal water supply. The plant opened in 1994, and the ozone process kicked in the following year. Plant workers add ozone to the water after it has undergone softening to extract minerals. The water is then filtered before being piped […]
Danvers Water to Upgrade Ozone Disinfection
Danvers water officials say the water treatment plant, which sits on Middleton Pond in Middleton, must be upgraded to meet a set of new regulations that will take effect in 2015.The $20 million water treatment plant project, which they hope will start in of May 2011 and finish in June 2013, will include the addition […]