Martin’s Ferry Uses Ozone for Iron and Managanese Removal from Drinking Water

New upgrades to the Martin’s Ferry water treatment plant included ozone generators that remove iron and manganese before the water is sent to a distribution pump. The ozone generators were installed about one year ago. The plant has the capacity to produce five million gallons of water daily. Ozone is widely used to remove iron […]

Salt Lake City Uses Ozone to Improve Water Quality

Salt lake City uses ozone at two of its facilities: Little Cottonwood (LCW) and Point of the Mountain (POM). LCW has Utah’s first and largest ozone drinking water treatment system, two ozone generators each sized at 3,750 lb/day of ozone. The facility can treat 143 MGD of water. The plant can dose ozone at 3.5 […]

City of Lawrence Looks to Ozone to Solve Taste and Odor Problems with Their Drinking Water

The city of Lawrence is researching new treatment methods to deal with a taste and odor problem associated with its drinking water which recently have become a more serious issue. The city’s Utility Department said there is a solution in the works that would use “advanced oxidation” to combat taste and odor issues that are […]

Melbourne Water Supply Sees Pesticide Contamination

Pesticides have been detected upstream of a reservoir that feeds Melbourne’s drinking water supply. On eight occasions in 2010-11, the levels of pesticides, including simazine, atrazine and DEET, at Sugarloaf reservoir, north-east of Melbourne, were recorded above safe European Union drinking water standards, according to Melbourne Water data obtained by Friends of the Earth through […]

Los Angeles Expands Ozone Treatment of Drinking Water

The Los Angeles Metropolitan Board of Directors has authorized construction of $140.4 million of new ozone facilities at the district’s oldest treatment plant. The new facilities will use ozone to replace chlorine as the primary disinfectant at Metropolitan’s F.E. Weymouth Water Treatment Plant in La Verne. 20 years ago, Los Angeles identified ozone disinfection as […]

US Rivers Require Continued Environmental Protection

American Rivers today released its annual list of America’s Most Endangered Rivers. American Rivers named the Potomac River, known as ‘the nation’s river’ as it flows through the capital, the most endangered in the country. While the Potomac is cleaner than it used to be, the river is still threatened by urban and agricultural pollution– […]

Indian City Looks to Ozone Drinking Water Treatment

The Hyderabad Metropolitan Water Supply and Sewerage Board (HMWS&SB) is considering switching over to ozone water treatment from chlorination to improve water quality. Ozone is a more effective disinfectant and oxidant than chlorine and does not produce as many byproducts that have been found to be potentially damaging to human health. Ozone can also improve […]