Spartan Environmental to Exhbit and Present at WQA Aquatech USA

Spartan Environmental Technologies and UV Sciences will jointly exhibit at WQA Aquatech USA March 10-12th in Orlando, FL at the Orange County Convention Center. Spartan will feature its SPARTOX fully integrated compact ozone water treatment system on a skid while UV Sciences will feature their compact high efficiency UVSI systems. Both companies will jointly exhibit […]

Winter Algae Bloom Gives McKinney Texas More Reasons to Use Ozone

McKinney, TX residents noticed a metallic or earthy taste and smell to their water. The change is the result of a winter algal bloom at Lake Lavon. This is less common than a mid-summer algal bloom, which arrives in late July and into August. During a bloom, lab analysis can show high levels of geosmin […]

Federal Building in NYC to Harvest Rainwater with Ozone/UV Treatment

The Thursgood Marshall Federal Building in NYC will have a rain water harvesting system which will employ filtration, ozonation and UV to insure the water is safe for use in the building. While many rain water systems employ UV, the engineers for this building decided to add the extra protection of ozone. Ozone water treatment […]

Arlington Drinking Water Cleanest of Major Cities

Arlington’s tap water is the cleanest among the nation’s big cities, according to a study by a Washington, D.C.-based environmental advocacy group. The Environmental Working Group calculations released this weekend were based on testing conducted since 2004 that found 316 pollutants in U.S. drinking water systems. The rankings that put Arlington No. 1 took into […]

California Law Supports Ozone Storm Water Treatment

With the passage of California SB 790, also known as the Stormwater Resource Planning Act, ozone treatment programs like the one being piloted in Agoura Hills, CA to clean up pollution in local streams could become a popular alternative to building large, expensive water treatment facilities. The bill, authored by Sen. Fran Pavley (D-Agoura Hills) […]

Brantford Ontario to Add Ozone Pretreatment

A $45-million rebuild of the Holmedale water treatment plant in near Brantford, ON Canada is currently underway with an estimated completion date sometime in the summer of 2011. The rebuild will involve replacing the water filter beds, replacing a high-lift pumping station and adding an ultraviolet disinfecting feature as a backup to the existing chlorination […]

City in Norway Uses Ozone Biofiltration for Color Removal

Skien Municipality in southern Norway is rebuilding Steinsvika Water Treatment Plant into an ozonation/biofiltration process. Steinsvika WTP will have a max production capacity of 1650 m3/h (39 600 m3/day) and a normal production of 650 – 1250 m3/h (15 600 – 30 000 m3/day). The plant will be in full operation by the end of […]

Fort Worth Adds Ozone for Drinking Water Plant

Construction on the $47 million Fort Worth Westside Water Treatment Plant began recently. It is set to have an initial treatment capacity of 12 MGD and cost $47 MM. It will treat raw water from the recently installed Tarrant Regional Water District 90-inch raw water main that connects Eagle Mountain Lake with the East Texas […]

Ozone Water Use in Cosmetic Dentistry

Aesthetic dentists gather in Paris at the sixth annual European Society of Cosmetic Dentistry (ESCD) meeting October 15, 2009. Professor Edward Lynch spoke to conference on the use of ozone and ozonated water. Prof. Lynch told the audience that the powerful disinfectant properties of ozone are useful for a range of dental procedures and ozonated […]