Fort Worth to Add Ozone Pretreatment at Westside WTP

North Central Texas is a center for ozone drinking water treatment applications because the local reservoirs have taste and odor issues during the summer months. Ozone not only effectively treats these problems but also provides disinfection credits for a wide variety of pathogens. Fort Worth has recently begun construction of a 12 MGD facility at […]

Ozone a Solution for Taste and Odor Problems in Drinking Water

An algae bloom in the Cape Fear River caused the 22,500 Brunswick County, NC residents to have serious taste and odor problems with their water. The taste and odor problem may be a result of treating water at the Northwest Treatment Plant with chlorine dioxide. The chlorine dioxide and dying algae may create a chemical […]

Highland Water Company Treats Taste and Odor Problems with Ozone

Clear Lake, a water source for Lake County, CA, is a nutrient rich body of water that is plagued by algae blooms that create serious taste and odor problems with the water. This is a situation that affects many communities drawing water from reservoirs and lakes with algae. Some water companies treating water from this […]

National Aviary Uses Ozone for Penguin Exhibit

The National Aviary is America’s only independent indoor nonprofit zoo dedicated exclusively to birds. Located in West Park on Pittsburgh’s historic North Side, the National Aviary’s diverse collection comprises more than 500 birds from around the world, many of them threatened or endangered in the wild. The National Aviary’s large walk-through exhibits create an experience […]

Boston Improves Water and Wasterwater Treatment with Ozone

At the International Ozone Association meeting in Boston a couple of months back, Frederick Laskey, who is the executive director of the Massachusetts Water Resource Authority (MWRA) gave one of the keynote addresses. MWRA supplies 220 MGD of drinking water and treats 350 MGD of wastewater. Boston once had, or at least what was called, […]

Spartan Environmental Technologies Introduces the SPARTOX Ozone Water Treatment System

Spartan has introduced its SPARTOX ozone water treatment system. The SPARTOX system is a completely self contain ozone water treatment system mounted on a skid which requires only a connection for the water to be treated and electrical power. The on board systems include a compressor/oxygen concentrator, ozone generator and ozone water mixing system with […]