Windsor WTP Wins Best Tasting Water in Ontario Award

The Windsor Utilities Commission and the City of Windsor won the Award for Best Tasting Water at the Ontario Works Association’s annual water testing competition. Windsor was the first municipality in Ontario to utilize Ozone for primary disinfection. Many other water treatment plants using ozone have won tasting events, not just against other water plants […]

Costa Mesa Improves Water Quality with Ozone and Nano Filtration

The Mesa Consolidated Water District (Mesa Water) inaugurated the start of construction for its Colored Water Treatment Facility (CWTF) improvements project. Mesa Water sits above a portion of Orange County’s groundwater basin that includes a supply of amber-colored water hundreds of feet below the clear-water reserves. In planning since the 1980s, the CWTF went on-line […]

Japanese Goverment Approves Ozone for Ballast Water Treatment

Mitsui O.S.K. Lines, Ltd. (MOL) announced that an ozone-based ballast water treatment system earned a certificate of compliance from the Japanese government. The system was audited based on guidelines set out in the International Convention for the “Control and Management of Ships’ Ballast Water and Sediments (G8),” adopted by the International Maritime Organization (IMO). Certification […]

Singapore Uses Ozone for Two Decades to Treat Drinking Water

According to Singapore’s National water agency PUB the water treatment process at its Bedok plant takes six steps, two of which involve an enhanced disinfecting technology called ozonation. When infused with water, ozone kills bacteria and micro-organisms like algae and plankton which float on the water surface initially. A coagulant called aluminium sulphate is then […]

North Carolina Water Plant Expands with Ozone

The expansion of the Sweeney Water Treatment Plant in Wilmington is nearing complete. Planning for the project began in 2005. The construction will take the plant from 25 million gallons of treated water per day to a potential 44 million gallons per day. The facility is implementing new filtration systems, including ozone and UV disinfection. […]

New Book on Ozone Chemistry in Water and Wastewater Treatment Published

IWA has published a new book International Ozone Association members Clemens von Sonntag and Urs von Gunten. The book will discuss the details of ozone reactions as they relate to micropollutant ( pharmaceuticals, pesticides, fuel additives, solvents, taste and odor compounds, and cyanotoxins) degradation. The book will be useful for those doing research or planning […]

Milwaukee Water Safe With the Help of Ozone Water Treatment

Cryptosporidium has not been detected in Milwaukee’s drinking water coming out of the Linnwood treatment plant on the Lake Michigan shore since 2002 or the Howard Ave. plant on the south side since 1999. Cryptosporidium and Milwaukee made national news 18 years ago this month when the parasite caused the largest epidemic of documented waterborne […]

Nevada Water Plant Earns Award with Ozone Disinfection

Eric Johnson, Operations Supervisor for the Kingsbury General Improvement District, won the Nevada Rural Water Association’s Operator of the Year award. This award is given to one operator in Nevada each year, honoring the dedication and expertise of water operators throughout the state of Nevada. Kingsbury G.I.D. is the water supplier for the residents of […]