Swiss Propose Regulations to Control Pharmaceuticals in Wastewater Effluent

As noted in numerous posts on this blog, there is increasing interest by the public and government in the presence of personal care products and pharmaceuticals in surface water, including those used for drinking water supplies. This concern stems from the potential of these contaminants from creating health effects in humans. Thus far, government studies […]

Ozone Expert to Head International Joint Commission’s Great Lakes Windsor Office

Saad Jasim will become the director of the International Joint Commission’s (IJC) Great Lakes regional office in Windsor. Saad is also assuming the chairmanship of the International Ozone Associations PAG in 2010. He was the director of water quality and production for the Windsor Utilities Commission until 2005 and was responsible for introducing ozone water […]

Patriots Recycle Water Using Ozone Saving Foxborough Millions of Gallons of Water

We are always on the lookout for applications of ozone in water treatment. One area that is gaining a lot of attention is water recycling. Ozone is an excellent choice for water recycling since it is short lived breaking down to oxygen after use. It can also be produced on site from air eliminating the […]

Nova Scotia Proposes Rules for Treating Cryptosporidium in Drinking Water

Nova Scotia’s proposed provincial guidelines to protect municipal drinking water systems from the harmful parasite cryptosporidium will affect many communities. The changes to the province’s treatment standards for municipal drinking water systems come after many municipalities have built or renovated multimillion-dollar water treatment facilities as part of the Nova Scotia water protection strategy. Both the […]

Expanded Ozone Treatment of Water in California with Mazzei Injectors

The Mazzei Injector Company has announced that its unique Pipeline Flash Reactor™ for ozone contacting was selected and installed by the Castaic Lake Water Agency. The water agency’s facilities include the Earl Schmidt Filtration Plant and the Rio Vista Water Treatment Plant. The plants treat Castaic Lake water supplied from the California State Water Project. […]

Winter Algae Bloom Gives McKinney Texas More Reasons to Use Ozone

McKinney, TX residents noticed a metallic or earthy taste and smell to their water. The change is the result of a winter algal bloom at Lake Lavon. This is less common than a mid-summer algal bloom, which arrives in late July and into August. During a bloom, lab analysis can show high levels of geosmin […]

Springfield Missouri Looks to Up Grade Ozone Generators

Springfield Public Works (Missouri) is looking at making large-scale upgrades at sewage treatment facilities this year. The utility is seeking to replace old ozone generators and a sewer line. They have rolled out a proposal that asks the city to secure up to $13 million in special obligation bonds. Missouri DNR rated the ozone generator […]

Federal Building in NYC to Harvest Rainwater with Ozone/UV Treatment

The Thursgood Marshall Federal Building in NYC will have a rain water harvesting system which will employ filtration, ozonation and UV to insure the water is safe for use in the building. While many rain water systems employ UV, the engineers for this building decided to add the extra protection of ozone. Ozone water treatment […]