Ozone a Solution for Taste and Odor Problems in Drinking Water

An algae bloom in the Cape Fear River caused the 22,500 Brunswick County, NC residents to have serious taste and odor problems with their water. The taste and odor problem may be a result of treating water at the Northwest Treatment Plant with chlorine dioxide. The chlorine dioxide and dying algae may create a chemical […]

Winnipeg to Add Ozonation for Drinking Water Treatment

Winnipeg is adding a state-of-the-art plant that will employ four new drinking water treatment processes once it’s on-line next year. Odor-causing algae will be clumped together by coagulants, forced to the surface with tiny air bubbles (DAF) and then skimmed off into settling ponds. Ozone will break down organic molecules into smaller, more easily destroyed […]

Highland Water Company Treats Taste and Odor Problems with Ozone

Clear Lake, a water source for Lake County, CA, is a nutrient rich body of water that is plagued by algae blooms that create serious taste and odor problems with the water. This is a situation that affects many communities drawing water from reservoirs and lakes with algae. Some water companies treating water from this […]

National Aviary Uses Ozone for Penguin Exhibit

The National Aviary is America’s only independent indoor nonprofit zoo dedicated exclusively to birds. Located in West Park on Pittsburgh’s historic North Side, the National Aviary’s diverse collection comprises more than 500 birds from around the world, many of them threatened or endangered in the wild. The National Aviary’s large walk-through exhibits create an experience […]

Reduction in Wastewater Plant Sludge Production with Ozone

An emerging application for ozone use in wastewater treatment is the reduction of sludge generation from the activated sludge plants. Sewage plants must dispose of their excess sludge. To do so, additional processing of the sludge is required including filtration and dewatering. In some cases, the sludge must be disposed of in landfills where the […]

United Water Upgrades Ozone Equipment

United Water completed a $100 million rehabilitation of the Haworth Water Treatment Plant including ozonation equipment. The improvements were the largest single capital investment for United Water during its 140-years of operation. The project was driven by drinking water regulatory compliance issues. These were caused by pollution of the source water. Better protection of the […]