The City of Santa Rosa conducted a pilot rebate program for hotes and commercial laundry facilities to use ozone. It was part of a larger state wide program determine the amount of energy consumed by various water using applications. Specifically the program tried to quantify the water and energy savings assocaited with ozone laundries versus […]
Tag: ozone water
Maersk Uses Ozone UV for Ballast Water Treatment
A.P. Moller-Maersk (Maersk) has indicated that ballast water treatment system (BWTS) based on mechanical filtration and disinfection with UV and ozone represents a good solution for container vessel retrofits. Both ozone water treatment and UV are excellant disinfection technologies for a wide range of applications. Maersk says that the containerization of the BWTS is a […]
Emmons County ND Uses Ozone Pretreatment for a UF/RO Drinking Water Treatment Plant
The South Central Regional Water District utility knew that water from these wells contained high levels of dissolved solids, hardness, and sulfates, as well as arsenic content beyond the safety standards established by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). A treatment solution was developed ozone pretreatment, ultrafltration (UF) and reverse osmosis (RO) to treat nearby Missouri […]
Ann Arbor Michigan Uses Ozone for Primary Disinfection
Ann Arbor’s Drinking Water Treatment Plant’s primary source of water comes from the Huron River. Ann Arbor is one of only seven facilities using an inland river as a drinking water source in Michigan. About 85 percent of the water comes from the river, while 15 percent comes from wells located at the city’s airport. […]
Study Shows Electrolysis and Volatilization Can Mitigate Bromate Formation in Drinking Water
A recent study in the Journal Ozone Science and Enginnering has shown that electrolysis followed by volatilization can remove Br from drinking water and as a result lower the formation of bromate from ozone water treatment. This is an important issue since a large number of water sources contain Br ion. Ozone can react under […]
Santa Barbara to Complete Upgrade to Ozone
The City of Santa Barbara’s Cater Water Treatment Plant is being upgraded in response to stricter federal drinking water regulations. The $20 million ozone water treatment project is about 80 percent complete. The work should be completed by the end of January. Ozone will replace chlorine in the pre-treatment of water at the plant. Besides […]
Dangers of Bromate in Drinking Water May Be Overstated
Ozone can react with bromide ion to form bromate. Currently, the USEPA has a limit of 10 micro grams per liter for ozone in drinking water. This level has been extended to other water treatment applications, for example, ground water remediation. The USEPA is considering lowering the allowable limit for bromate to 5 micro grams […]
ISPE Issues New Ozone Water Treatment
Ozone is widely used in the pharmaceutical industry to purify water for process applications. The International Society of Pharmaceutical Engineers has issued new guidelines on the design and use of ozone systems for pharmaceutical water treatment and sanitization. A table of contents of the updated guidelines can be found below: ISPE Guidelines Ozone Water Treatment […]
Martin’s Ferry Uses Ozone for Iron and Managanese Removal from Drinking Water
New upgrades to the Martin’s Ferry water treatment plant included ozone generators that remove iron and manganese before the water is sent to a distribution pump. The ozone generators were installed about one year ago. The plant has the capacity to produce five million gallons of water daily. Ozone is widely used to remove iron […]
Water Reuse Requires Multiple Barrier Approach
In previous posts we have talked about reuse of wastewater for drinking purposes including the feelings of Americans towards the use of wastewater for their water supply. In reality, many American’s already use wastewater as their drinking water source. If your drinking water plant is down stream of another cities wastewater plant, you are in […]