Americans Show Interest in Wastewater Reuse

Most Americans have limited knowledge about their drinking water supply,but they are concerned about it, and believe recycling water is something that should be considered according to a recent survey. However, Americans are less accepting of drinking recycled wastewater in a practice known as toilet-to-tap, the survey found. With clean water growing scarce in much […]

Portland, Maine Upgrades Water Treatment Plant with UV and Ozone

A major upgrade to the Sebago Lake Water Treatment Facility has been started for the Portland Water District’s treatment facility in Standish at a cost of a $12.8 million. It adds two UV reactors as well as an upgraded ozone water treatment system. The Water District has been designing this system since 2002. Engineers with […]

NSF Presents Papers on UV and Ozone Water Treatment

NSF International water quality and treatment experts will be presenting at the World Aquatic Health Conference October 11 in Norfolk, Va., according to a press release. Their presentations will cover the regulatory and testing considerations for evaluating the efficacy of ultraviolet (UV) and ozone water treatment technologies to help ensure the health and safety of […]

Ozone Eyed for Ballast Water Treatment

In previous posts we have noted work on the use of ozone in ballast water treatment. IMO rules will require ships to treat ballast water to prevent the transport of invasive species across the globe. As an example of invasive species brought to the US via ballast water are zebra mussels. The new rules will […]

Ozone Water Treatment – Removal of Organic Compounds

Ozone is often used to reduce the amount of organic compounds in water treatment applications via a process called oxidation. Commonly used measures of organic levels are COD (chemical oxygen demand) and BOD (biological oxygen demand). The first measure uses high temperature and aggressive chemical oxidants to completely oxygenate organic compounds in a test sample […]

Salt Lake City Uses Ozone to Improve Water Quality

Salt lake City uses ozone at two of its facilities: Little Cottonwood (LCW) and Point of the Mountain (POM). LCW has Utah’s first and largest ozone drinking water treatment system, two ozone generators each sized at 3,750 lb/day of ozone. The facility can treat 143 MGD of water. The plant can dose ozone at 3.5 […]

Poughkeepsie Looks to Ozone To Treat Drinking Water

New federal drinking water standards could require the Poughkeepsie water plant to make $16 million in upgrades. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is requiring municipal water plants to do more to restrict disinfectant byproducts (DBP) in drinking water that could pose health hazards. Poughkeepsies’ Water Treatment Facility is looking at injecting ozone into the drinking […]

Upcoming Ozone Related Meetings and Conferences 2012

The following ozone related conferences are being held this year: September 1-2 Mexican Ozone Congress in Mexico City, Mexico ( Spetember 16-21 IWA World Water Congress and Exhibition in Busan, Korea ( September 24-26 International Ozone Association Meeting in Milwaukee, WI USA ( September 29-October 3 WEFTEC2012 in New Orleans, LA USA ( October 22-23 […]

Ozone for Disinfection By Products Control in Drinking Water

Disinfection of drinking water often involves a trade off between inactivating pathogens and creating undesirable disinfection by products in water. Because chlorination is still the most widely used method of disinfection, problems with the formation of chlorinated byproducts due to the interaction of chlorine with organic compounds found in water is a major issue. Two […]