Advanced Oxidation Treats Contaminated Ground Water Near Tucson

For 25 years, TCE-polluted groundwater has been pumped for treatment from an old Air Force Plant near Tucson where chemicals were dumped by weapons-systems manufacturers from the 1940s until the 1970s. Discovered in 1981, the groundwater contamination remains at very high levels in areas of the 1,300-acre site. Some monitoring wells still show pollution at […]

Treatment of Land Fill Leachates with Ozone and Biological Processes

Land fill leachates are the result of water percolating through solid waste buried at the site. Land fill make provisions to capture this water for treatment. The waste can be a significant challenge to treat because of high content of organic matter, ammonia, salts and metals. Leachates vary due to a variety of factors including […]

Bossier City Uses Ozone for Taste/Odor Control and Disifection

Public Utilities for Bossier City, LA uses ozone to improve water quality for its customers. Water is pumped from the Red River to a reservoir and from the reservoir to a water treatment plant where it undergoes treatment. During the treatment process, ozone is added to the water twice in order to eliminate any unpleasant […]

Improved Ozone System for Treating Cryptosporidium for Nevada Village

The Nevada State Board for Financing Water Projects voted Wednesday to loan the Incline Village General Improvement District $3 million for its water treatment project. Improvements include a much more efficient ozone treatment system at the Burnt Cedar Water Disinfection Plant. The new ozone system will cut the amount of oxygen used by as much […]

EPA Ballast Water Treatment Verification

Ozone News recently reported about the EPA ETV (Environmental Technology Verification) program for ballast water. the program does not approve or endorse technologies, but simply provides objective data on various technologies so stakeholders can evaluate the technologies themselves. As noted in previous posts, there are concerns that ballast water may allow invasive species to move […]

Mississauga, Ontario Replaces Chlorine with Ozone, UF and UV

A three-year $106-million project that will replace the chlorine-treatment process with a new advanced 100 MGD plant is underway at the Lakeview Water Treatment plant in Mississauga, Ontario. The process will use a combination of ozonation, ultrafiltration (UF) and ultraviolet (UV) technology. Kenaidan Contracting is the general contractor and CH2M Hill is the consultant on […]

Sucralose, an Artificial Sweetner, Found in Surface Water

Sucralose, the artificial sweetener in Splenda, passes right through the body, then through sewage treatment systems and out into surface and ground waters with little degradation. It is not clear if increasing amount of of sucralose released into the environment will impact the ecosystem. But research published in Environmental Engineering Science shows that the artificial […]

Ashland MA Refurbishes Plant for Improved Performance of Ozone System

Ashland and Hopkinton, MA are towns of about 16,000 and 14,000 residents, respectively. They are situated midway between Boston and Worcester in eastern Massachusetts. The Howe Street facility uses clarification, carbon filtration, and ozonation to treat groundwater. Ashland experiences seasonal increases in manganese in its ground water supply. In Ashland’s water, the manganese is organically […]

Danvers/Middleton Drinking Water Plant to Adopt Ozone Water Treatment

But by 2015, regulations that govern trihalomethanes (THMs,) when chlorine is used to disinfect drinking water, are forcing the Danvers/Middleton drinking water plant to spend $21 million to redesign the treatment process. Once the work begins, it will take about two years to complete the expansion and renovations of the plant The new treatment process, […]