Water Treatment Pilot Plant Services

SPARTOX Ozone and UV Skid Pilot System
SPARTOX Ozone UV Pilot System

Due to the complex nature of most wastewater applications, it is usually necessary to conduct pilot plant studies. Piloting for advanced oxidation process (AOP) provides useful information for the design of a full-scale wastewater treatment system. Spartan Environmental Technologies’ pilot plant services develop the necessary engineering data to design and estimate the cost of an ozone or advanced oxidation process (AOP) to meet your treatment objectives. On top of demonstrating and confirming the capability of the selected appropriate water treatment process, pilot testing can be used to test fluctuations in water quality that may impact the water treatment performance. This testing helps reveal unanticipated challenges prior to the construction of a full-scale water treatment system.

In some cases it makes sense to run laboratory studies prior to a pilot plant. In addition, clients often need engineering assistance to plan out a pilot plant testing program and to obtain the necessary equipment to run the tests. The SPARTOX ozone and UV skid pilot system is an example of our pilot plant service offerings, which can be integrated to form ozone/UV AOP.

Water Treatment Laboratory Tests, Equipment and Services

Spartan Environmental Technologies offers ozone and AOP laboratory studies, pilot plant equipment and pilot plant services. These services allow clients to evaluate the application of ozone or AOP to their specific situation. Technologies available include fully integrated ozone water treatment systems, UV and peroxide injection.

Here is a process flow diagram illustrating the components of the SPARTOX ozone UV AOP System. Larger systems, including those with peroxide addition, can also be supplied.

Choosing the best and most appropriate water treatment system is complex. Spartan has the experience to provide you appropriate solutions to meet your water treatment objectives. If you have questions about laboratory and/or pilot plant services, please contact us.