Spartan Environmental Technologies supplies industrial grade ozone generator systems in a range of sizes:
Atlas Series
30-120 g O3/h,
1.5-6.3 lb O3/day
Air Cooled,
Oxygen Feed Gas
O3 Concentration 5-10 wt. %
MCP Series
40-1,330 g O3/h,
2-70 lb O3/day
Water cooled,
Air or Oxygen Feed Gas
O3 Concentration 2-3 wt. % (Air)
O3 Concentration 6-10 wt. % (O2)
TPF Series
760-25,000 g O3/h,
40-1,320 lb O3/day
Water cooled,
Air or Oxygen Feed Gas
O3 Concentration 2-3 wt. % (Air)
O3 Concentration 6-10 wt. % (O2)
These ozone generators can be integrated into turnkey ozone water treatment systems at a customer location, on a skid or containerized.
Our SPARTOX water treatment system integrates ozone packages up to 240 g O3/h (~12 lbs O3/day). The systems can treat 10-1,000 gpm depending on the application or dosage of ozone.
The larger ozone generator packages can also be integrated into complete ozone water treatment packages with gas preparation, ozone generation, ozone water mixing, controls, instruments and ozone off gas destruct. The systems can be arranged in a variety of packages to fit he specific application and location. Applications include bottled water, drinking water, industrial wastewater, industrial process water, cooling water, among many others.