This page provides recent events and news regarding Spartan. We encourage you to visit this page often to learn about the latest information about our company, products and activities. For older information click on the year of interest (2004 , 2005 , 2006 , 2007 , 2008 , 2009 , 2010 ) Spartan’s product line includes a full range of ozone generators, odor control systems and a proprietary electrolytic system for the removal of organics from water. These systems treat air and water from municipal, commercial and industrial facilities.
The Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command (SPAWAR) awards Spartan Environmental Technologies (Spartan) contract for six air cooled high purity ozone generators. The ozone generators will be used as part of marine life support systems. This is the third contract awarded by SPAWAR to Spartan for ozone generators and related equipment over the last four years.
Spartan has supplied ozone generators and systems to other naval commands and the US Army for various applications including research and development, drinking water and wastewater treatment.
Spartan Marketing Director Anthony Sacco stated, “We are pleased that the SPAWAR has once again selected Spartan to assist their mission with the supply of ozone generators.”
About SPAWAR: Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command (SPAWAR) is one of three Department of Navy major acquisition commands, this means acquiring, installing, delivering and maintaining advanced information technology capabilities to the fleet to keep warfighters one step ahead of adversaries.