Spartan Environmental Technologies supplies ozone based odor control systems and equipment for industrial and municipal applications including hydrogen sulfide (H2S), sewage and wastewater odor control.
Spartan’s odor control system is called DESOZONE. The packaged skid mounted DESOZONE systems can treat 250 – 20,000 cubic meters/hour of air. Custom engineered systems can be built for larger size applications. DESOZONE employs an odor control scrubberwith an integrated ozone generator to remove odors from air. The DESOZONE technology has been used for over 20 years to effectively treat air fouled by contaminants such as hydrogen sulfide and other odor causing chemicals.
Spartan can also offer ozone based gas phase odor control for smaller applications where contaminant levels are low.
The following links will provide additional information on odor control applications for DESOZONE and the DESOZONE system itself: